
Core / Client

A collection of Node.js helper functions for integrating Hellō.

  • @hellocoop/core is a Node.js package
  • @hellocoop/client is a browser optimized package

The APIs are the same except where noted.



npm i @hellocoop/core


npm i @hellocoop/client



import { createAuthRequest, fetchToken, parseToken } from '@hellocoop/core'


import { createAuthRequest, fetchToken, parseToken, validateToken } from '@hellocoop/client'


const { url, nonce, code_verifier } = await createAuthRequest(config)

A helper function to create the url to load in the browser to make the request to Hellō.

config = {
    client_id: OAuth "client_id" parameter - REQUIRED
    redirect_uri: OAuth "redirect_uri" parameter - REQUIRED
    scope?: array of zero or more scopes to request - default ['openid','name','email','picture']
    response_type?: 'id_token'|'code' - default 'code'
    response_mode?: 'fragment'|'query'|'form_post' - default 'query'
    nonce?: OpenID Connect "nonce" parameter override. 
    state?: OAuth "state" parameter
    provider_hint?: array of provider hint update values (see below)
    wallet?: alternative mock wallet URL for testing


    url: URL to load in the browser to make the authorization request
    nonce: nonce to remember for verifying the returned ID Token
    code_verifier: returned if a "code" flow

If the request is approved by the user, the redirect_uri will receive the response per the response_mode as 'fragment'|'query'|'form_post' parameters (query is default). The response will be per the response_mode and either an id_token or a code (code is default).


const token = await fetchToken(config)

A helper function to fetch an ID Token after a code flow.

config = {
    client_id: OAuth "client_id" parameter used in request - REQUIRED
    redirect_uri: OAuth "redirect_uri" parameter used in request - REQUIRED
    code_verifier: OAuth "code_verifier" created with `createAuthRequest()`
    code: OAuth "code" parameter returned from request
    wallet?: string; alternative mock wallet host for testing

returns an ID Token in the JWT compact format (a string). Note that the ID Token does not require validation as it came directly from Hellō and is bound to the provided code_verifier used in the request


const { header, payload } = parseToken(token)

Parses the header and payload from an ID Token. Does not verify the ID Token.

// server login endpoint 
const { url, nonce, code_verifier } = await createAuthRequest({
    client_id: CLIENT_ID,
    redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI // the callback endpoint
// store nonce & code_verifier in server session storage
res.redirect(url) // redirect browser to make auth request

token, client_id, nonce, wallet


only in @hellocoop/client

Useful when:

  • response_type=id_token
  • response_mode=fragment

This is a helper function for the API as described here.

const response = await validateToken(params)

params = {
    token: `id_token` from fragment
    client_id: OAuth "client_id" parameter used in request
    nonce?: OAuth "nonce" provided in authorization request - MUST be provided if in request
    wallet?: alternative mock wallet host for testing

This will call the wallet's introspection endpoint that will examine the token, ensure it was from Hellō, has not expired, and return the payload.

If successfully validated, you will receive the full ID Token payload with active: true to indicate it is an active token. If unsuccessful, you will receive an Introspection Errors.

Server Code Sample


  • response_type=code
  • response_mode=query
// server callback endpoint
const { code, error } = res.query
if (error) {
    // process error
// get nonce, code_verifier from server session data
try {
    const token = await fetchToken({
        client_id: HELLO_CLIENT_ID,
        redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI, // the callback endpoint
    const { payload } = parseToken(token)
    if (payload.nonce !== nonce) {
        // process error
    const { sub, name, email, picture } = payload
    // make use of user data
} catch (err) {
    // deal with error

Client Code Sample


  • response_type=id_token
  • response_mode=fragment
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1))
const token = params.get('id_token')
if (!token || params.has('error')) {
    // process error
// get nonce from sessionStorage
try {
    const response = validateToken({
        client_id: HELLO_CLIENT_ID,
    if (! {
        // process error
    const { sub, name, email, picture } = response
    // make use of user data
} catch (err) {
    // deal with error