

Quickstart (opens in a new tab) accelerates getting a developer up and running with apps that use Hellō. It returns a client_id by creating a new app with defaults, or selecting an existing Hellō app.

The Hellō Login (opens in a new tab) WordPress plug-in and Hellō Next.js Sample (opens in a new tab) app use Hellō Quickstart.

There are three mechanisms to invoke Quickstart:

  1. Load with query parameters. This can be used by any configuration script. See API Reference | Quickstart for details.
  2. Run the Quickstart CLI with npx @hellocoop/quickstart@latest passing command line parameters. This requires the developer to have Node.js installed.
  3. Import the @hellocoop/quickstart npm package into a Node.js script and use the module.

(2) and (3) both start a local web server on an unused port and launch the default web browser to load the Quickstart Web App.

CLI Parameters

You can run the following command to create or retrieve the client_id for a Hellō Application.

npx @hellocoop/quickstart@latest

This will open up a browser window, where you will need to login with Hellō, and then choose to create a new app, or return the client_id.


  • --provider_hint (-p) - space separated string of provider_hint
  • --suffix (-x) - suffix to add to generated app name
  • --integration (-i) - integration name shown in console
  • --wildcard (-w) - boolean to set the wildcard domain Development Redirect URI
  • --nextjs - boolean to configure a Next.js app
  • --express - boolean to configure an Express app
  • --fastify - boolean to configure a Fastify app

@hellocoop/quickstart API


You can incorporate Quickstart in a Node.js script as part of your installer

To install in a project:

npm install -D @hellocoop/quickstart

You can then use call Quickstart from a configuration script, example:

// typescript
import quickstart from '@hellocoop/quickstart';
const config = {
    response_uri: 'http://localhost:8080',
    name: 'Acme Demo App'
    // ... other config parameters
const client_id = await quickstart(config)


suffixString that will be appended to the suggested name (eg: John's + suffix) for an app to be created. Defaults to "Application"
integrationApplication that started Quickstart, shown in console, defaults to quickstart
nameName of the application (suffix param is ignored if name param is provided)
wildcard_domaina boolean value indicating if wildcard domains are enabled in Development Redirect URIs
provider_hinta space separated list of recommended providers per provider_hint that will be presented when logging in new users to Quickstart

The options above are passed through as query parameters to the Quickstart Web App, and are the same as documented in API Reference | Quickstart