ID Token

ID Token

An ID Token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) RFC 7519 (opens in a new tab) that has claims per OpenID Connect §2 (opens in a new tab).
In the following example of a raw ID Token:

  • purple is the header that describes the JWT;
  • yellow is the payload of the ID Token; and
  • green is the signature of the JWT.

Compact Format


Decoded ID Token

    "header": {
    "payload": {
        "iss": "",
        "aud": "app_HelloDeveloperPlayground_Iq2",
        "nonce": "1893877889423231951",
        "jti": "jti_wFGugiAzuYPqNHvj2nRr6zxo_Ijn",
        "sub": "265a56a3-ac04-471c-832e-5e16a74eb1f1",
        "name": "Dick Hardt",
        "picture": "",
        "email": "",
        "email_verified": true,
        "iat": 1729709067,
        "exp": 1729709367

Decoded ID Token From Managed Account

    "header": {
    "payload": {
        "iss": "",
        "aud": "app_HelloDeveloperPlayground_Iq2",
        "nonce": "1893877889423231951",
        "jti": "jti_1kY5VpEWg3IHSa7xha4ati10_PN5",
        "sub": "7f294906-9c9e-4e1b-a690-4c9e9d4c285d",
        "picture": "",
        "email": "",
        "email_verified": true,
        "name": "Dick Hardt",
        "iat": 1729709582,
        "exp": 1729709882,
        "org": {
            "id": "org_9yMcnK3agJyUDxOBp19gpSe8_PU1",
            "domain": ""
        "org_claims": [

Payload Description

issIssuer of ID Token. Will always be
audAudience of ID Token. Will be your client_id
nonceThe nonce that you optionally included in your request
jtiA unique identifier for this ID Token generated by Hellō
subThe subject of the ID Token. A unique identifier for the user. We recommend you use this to identify your users. See FAQ 10 for details.
nameThe user's full name or legal name.
pictureA user's profile picture URL. See FAQ 12 for details.
emailThe user's email address.
email_verifiedIndicates email was verified. Will always be true from Hellō
iatThe time the ID Token was issued in Epoch time (opens in a new tab)
expThe time the ID Token expires.
Hellō sets the expiry to be 5 minutes (300 seconds) after iat
org.idThe Hellō identifier for the organization. Similar to sub, use this to identify the organization
org.domainThe domain of the organization. Note the organization may change this
org_claimsArray of claims that came from the organization. This is an experimental claim that may be deprecated.