Web Client

Web Client API

The Web Client API abstracts logging into Hellō with web applications. The Express, Fastify, and Next.js SDKs all expose the Web Client API through the Hellō Endpoint. It is usually mounted at /api/hellocoop, but can be mounted at any route. Set the API_ROUTE environment variable to this value.

The Hellō Endpoint is also the OpenID Connect redirect_uri for your application. IE, this is where Hellō sends the authorization response. The response is processed by endpoint and an encrypted cookie is set containing the auth state.


The op query parameter is passed to the Hellō Endpoint to indicate the operation to be performed. Valid values are login, auth, logout, and invite.


Load this endpoint in the browser to login the user. Loading this endpoint will create and load an authorization request to the Hellō Wallet. The authorization response will be sent to the Hellō Endpoint and processed. If successful, the optional loginSync function will be called, and then the browser will be redirected to the target_uri if provided, the route.loggedIn value in hello.config.js, or the / route.

Optional ParameterDescription
target_urioverrides where the user will be redirected to after a successful login.
scopeoverrides the default scope to request from Hellō.
login_hintprovide a login_hint of which user to log in. Set to the user's email address.
domain_hintprovide a domain_hint of the domain the user will log in at.
provider_hintoverrides the default provider_hint of which providers to show a new user.
prompt- login will require a fresh login for the user.
- consent will present the user with the consent screen. Allows user
to update their profile.


Error Response

If there is an error response from Hello, the browser will be redirected to the error page with the error parameter. See Error Response for details on error response values. See hello.config.js for overriding the default error page.


This operation is to be called by your app and returns a JSON object containing the auth object in the encrypted cookie.


Logged In Example Response:

  "isLoggedIn": true,
  "sub": "sub_vvCgtpv35lDgQpHtxmpvmnxK_2nZ",
  "iat": 1699234659,
  "name": "Dick Hardt",
  "picture": "",
  "email": ""

Logged Out Example Response:



Logs out the user by clearing the cookies and calling the optional logoutSync, and then redirects to the logged out route.



Starts an invite flow to See Invite API (BETA)
